
Custom Technologies

Hamleys' talking bear

Interactive Installation Ellante Mall ,Chandigarh


The Hamleys Bear

It’s a bird! It is a plane!

No. it’s a bear and it can talk, dance, tell you a joke, and when in the mood, play a game with you by mimicking your every movement.

THE Work

UI UX, Programming, Character Design ,Animation ,Implementation, Maintenance, Hardware Recommendation and Procurement.


The Hamleys store at Elante Mall, Chandigarh, has added magic to its wall. There’s a bear living in the window, looking out at the people in the mall – with whom he really wants to play!So, he perks up the momentanyone passes by, and calls out to them, eager to interact with them.

The Interactive 3D installation is supported by a robust and adaptive backendsystem, which allows for the upload of new environments, behaviours,storylinesand interactions to keep the experience fresh, and allow the Bear to evolve through its life – as bears are known to do

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